The Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 took a breather on Wednesday after a stretch of record highs, but history shows that stocks should hit some more high-water marks in the weeks ahead.
Thursday is Oct. 28, which has been one of the best days for the S&P 500 over time with an average gain of 0.46%, according to a note from LPL Financial. Oct. 29, Nov. 2 and Nov. 4 are also some top performers on the calendar.
"I'd like to think it has something to do with my birthday being on October 28, but the truth is bulls should be aware that the coming days are historically some of the best of the year," LPL's Ryan Detrick said in a note to clients. In fact, the best time to buy the S&P 500 at the close and hold it for five days is Oct. 27, according to LPL.
To be sure, these seasonal trades are not foolproof, and the market actually declined during this stretch last year. However, the five-day period has not seen negative returns in back-to-back years since the 1960s, LPL said.
Earnings could be a major factor in determining whether Thursday lives up to to its historic reputation. Investors will be reviewing reports from Ford, which released results on Wednesday afternoon, as well as pharmaceutical giant Merck and e-commerce company Shopify.
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