My older daughter’s social circle has expanded since she started high school this year, though it was sizable to begin with. Anna has sports, camp, and school crews. Tonight, I’m attending a party for the parents of 11 girls from the school group, while local COVID case-counts are low enough for us to gather. The event, which good friends of mine are hosting, has been organized by text. My highly extroverted husband had each of the 22 invitees in his contacts list. I had six. Worse, I don’t know most of the kids that well. I’m the parent who doesn’t drive carpool, attends only select sporting events, and generally opts out. I’m grateful my husband has the opposite instincts. Playing nicely with other parents was at the center of my social life before the girls reached the age of drop-off playdates and walking to meet friends on their own. But it still comes up, as tonight’s event attests. I’ll enjoy being there, and I look forward to putting faces to names. I’ll likely feel like the guest of a guest: more like the teenage girl I used to be than the self-actualized adult I’ve theoretically become. Does, or did, your social circle relate to your role as a parent? Write to me at I’ve already saved many of your names in my contacts list. Best, Andrea |