Memorial Day weekend! Woot! Your assignment for this weekend—apart from sparing a thought for those who died in armed conflicts, and their parents—is to remember to take pleasure in this family you have. No group of related humans is perfect, but at the same time none is so flawed as to be completely without delight. So exploit the available joy, as Jeff Bridges says. I used to hate it when parents of older kids told me to enjoy the endless grind of childminding and tidying and preparing food and not having time to get anything done. Riiiight. I'll get on it. But yet here I am, with older kids, joining the chorus: stop waiting for the next stage. Just look around at the stage you're in and wallow in it for a bit. Also, if you can play charades least once this weekend, you won't regret it.
I'm at or @luscombeland on Twitter. Feel free to follow me, but not necessarily my parenting philosophy.
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It only takes one hour for a car sitting in the sun to heat up to temperatures that endanger children's lives, according to a new study. If the vehicle is parked in the shade, it might take two hours. And kids are particularly vulnerable to heatstroke. More parents than you might think leave their kids in cars, especially if the kid is sleeping or the parent is distracted, with tragic results. One. Hour. TIME
A new study suggests that kids acquire language and literacy skills much faster if they can learn self-regulation, which is the term experts give to a set of cognitive abilities such as sitting still, focusing on one task and holding things in the short term memory. Reading to them is also important of course, but kids appear to need both. I wonder if this explains why girls at this age appear, on average, to be much better learners? Michigan State University
Got a teething infant? Oh, such misery it can be. The baby's upset, you're upset, nobody is sleeping well. The teeth grow so slowly. And there are so many of them. Do not, however, be tempted to use a gel on the baby's gums. The FDA has found those gels to have no benefit and a possible downside. In fact, the agency has also ordered manufacturers to stop selling infant versions of products containing Benzocaine. Stick to teethers, preferably cool ones. TIME
I don't need to tell you that we are a divided country. People have strongly held views about reproduction, guns, the current President, peace in the Middle East and whether it is Laurel or Yanni. I have no desire to further put people asunder, but we need to talk about peanut butter. Is it healthy or not? Some experts weigh in. TIME
There seems to be such an epidemic of depression among teens that it's hard to know whether there used to be many depressed teens who never spoke about it, or whether teens are more aware of depression now, or whether something new is generating depression in teens. This interview with Rowan Blanchard, a young actress from Girl Meets World, illuminates the point of view of a young depression sufferer really well. It was part of a panel TIME hosted with the cast of Dear Evan Hansen. TIME
It's graduation time. Melinda Gates has some thoughts about what she would like commencement speakers to talk about. Yes, THAT Melinda Gates. TIME
"There's nothing more grounding than a kid kicking off and refusing to do what you're asking of them. It used to be that my own world revolved around me, but now it has to revolve around him."
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